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And we embroider the paintings, and the baby is entertained (part 2)

• The child has not yet been familiar with scissors - I saw only from afar, and to cut the thread - I go to the table, and I do it out of appearance of the baby (at the same time as physical education).
• The main problem was with schemes - Vanya really wanted to assign them. I had to glue them with tape to furniture just above the level of his own eyes - so that the child would not reach. Pretty quickly they ceased to interest him.
• By the way, the same-tape to the furniture-you can attach both a pillow for needles, or hang it on some handle. But so that the child could not reach.
• Yes, in the selection of designs I am now somewhat limited - this is either a monochrome (you do not need to monitor the transition of colors, you do not need to wear an organizer with threads, easily navigate the scheme easily), or those sets on which the drawing (or rather, the scheme) Already applied to the canvas. In the second case, the need for the scheme disappears, and there is almost no chance to get confused.
• It was also necessary to refuse work on the machine-firstly, when playing and communicating with the child, it is advisable to be at the same level with him, but sitting at the machine this will not work, and secondly, the baby will simply drop the machine, or, worse, turn over. to myself.

• But home clothes with pockets are very useful - it is convenient to fold thread scraps in them to then throw them away.
• Of course, no thing is unattended - nor embroidery itself, nor hooks, nor, moreover, needles or scissors are alone with the baby.
• Poems learned by heart are very much saved - the child is turning over the pages, and I “read” - that is, in fact, I tell him everything from memory.

At the moment, Vanin’s account has one crumpled scheme and only broken holes (he was very actively considering embroidery).

Why do I need to embroider at a time when the child does not sleep if you can do this during daytime dreams? Well, firstly, at this time I do the job that I can’t do with Vanya-say, I am stroked (cleaning and cooking are held together, but with ironing the child cannot come to terms). Secondly, I want to accustom him to the idea that adults also have work and hobbies that they need time for. That is why we bake the pies together, and my sinks, and embroider pictures. Well, thirdly, at the time when I am not busy with my child with an active game, that is, I don’t build anything, I don’t sculpt and do not collect - I don’t want to just sit next to him, it becomes a pity of time, because he also needs time for independent classes. At the same time, I can’t leave, for example, at the table, because in a different child the child, even independent, does not work - only in my presence, albeit behind him. Looking for a girlfriend? Best chats with single women online. Free & Paid. Find your love abroad.

