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Features of the contract for finishing work

Undoubtedly, in the process of building a country house, each stage is of great importance. But it is especially important that finishing was made as high quality, since the appearance of the house will depend on it. In order to be confident in the quality of work and in the timeliness of its implementation, it is necessary to make a contract for finishing work. He will give a certain guarantee for the customer and for the artist. Here it is necessarily a complete information on the subject of the contract, the rights and obligations of the parties, on the procedure for the reception of finishing works, quality requirements, on the procedure for calculating the contract, responsibility of the parties and, of course, there must be data on the customer and contractor. Without this information, the contract is considered invalid and having no legal force.

The subject of the contract is the result of the finishing work. Do not forget also about the nature of this result - it must comply with the needs and requirements of the customer. One of the most important parts of the contract is a section on the rights and obligations of the parties. It indicates that the Contractor must perform the work of the required quality within the agreed period, and the customer is to provide access to the room and pay work on time. Also, the technical documentation must be attached to this section, according to which the contractor will perform finishing.

For the contract, the exact definition of the timing of work is characterized, especially if they are large enough. The document necessarily indicates the start date and completion of all finishing works. A schedule of acceptance of certain works should be drawn up and sanctions are stipulated in case of deviation from it. Also, by the consent of the parties, intermediate time can be established. It is also worth noting that the timing can be somewhat changed due to violation of the contract by one of the parties. But this fact should be covered in the documentation.

A special place in the contract is covered by a section that concerns the cost of work and the schedule of payment of money. Such estimated documentation will provide an opportunity to plan in detail and calculate the costs of finishing work. Also, this is a guarantee for the contractor, as the customer has no right to pay a smaller amount than the one that is specified in the contract. This does not concern only those cases when the work was performed poorly.

In drawing up the contract, it is necessary to pay attention to the guarantee of the quality of finishing work and the responsibility of the parties. If the contractor performs the finish on or not in time, the customer has the full right to demand the elimination of all problems at the expense of the artist. This must be defined in detail in the contract. Also, it is also necessary to describe the damage compensation section. So, in the contract it is possible to indicate that the contractor must or correct all the shortcomings in its account, or pay a certain amount of money in the form of damages, or issue all unused building materials. These nuances are usually determined by the Customer and Contractor. Find out best forex brokers with free bonuses in South Africa

