Apricot: Useful properties and contraindications
[Justify] [b] Apricots: benefits and harm [/ b] Apricot is a large tree enough. Its height is ranging from 8 to 15 meters. The bark of the tree is grayish-brown. This plant is customary to relate to the family of rosetic. In the sinuses, the kidney sheet is located groups. Flowers petals have pink or white color. The young tree, as a rule, begins to be fruit after reaching the age of 3-5 years. Apricot fruits - are a rounded fire. The color of fruits depending on the variety can vary from orange to light yellow. The pulp of fruit juicy and sweet, has a sufficiently rich aroma. Apricots grow on the territory of Central Asia, in the southern part of Ukraine, in the territory of the Krasnodar Territory, in Crimea, in Transcaucasia and in the Far East. The apricot garden is very beautiful, but in order to save the apricot gardens for many years and maintain the health of new seedlings, it is necessary to care for the garden, which requires a lot of time, forces and certain knowledge. [i] Apricot ordinary: composition of fruits and useful properties [/ i] The pulp of apricots contains about 27% of natural sugar (sucrose), lemon, apple and wine acid, tanning substances, starch, pectin, mineral salts, vitamins B15, C, A and PP. In dried fruits contain more than 50% sugar. The cores of the apricot strokes contain in its composition 28% protein and 50% natural oils. Due to the insignificant viscosity of oil from apricot fiber, it is used as a solvent for some medicines for intramuscular and subcutaneous administration. Also, on the basis of apricot oil, some creams and other cosmetics are manufactured. In medicine, apricot fruit are used both in fresh and dried. Great iron and potassium content makes dried apricot fruit extremely useful for pregnant women and people suffering from anemia. Also, the high potassium content in the pulp of these fruits makes them especially useful for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases. The Kuraga is extremely useful in violation of the heart rate, insufficiency of blood flow, patients with diuretic and heart glycosides, people who have suffered a myocardial infarction, myasthenia and many other diseases. [i] Apricot: Who is contraindicated? [/ i] Due to the large content of genuine sucrose, the fruit of apricot ordinary should not be used by sugar diabetes faces. [/ Justify] Best ukrainian dating websites on знакомства с украинками . Find you love in Ukraine. |